Edaa has registered the 3 T-Bills issued by Qatar Central Bank for the month of October of year 2024

Edaa has registered the 3 T-Bills issued by Qatar Central Bank for the month of October of year 2024  in its systems as outlined below:-

SymbolNameISIN CodeIssuing DateMaturity DateNominal ValueNumber of T-Bills
TE65 Bond 4.10% 220926 QA000RD0H6V7 31/10/2024 01/05/2025 378,000,000 37,800
TE66 Bond 4.00% 220927 QA0003AF26P7 31/10/2024 31/07/2025 357,000,000 35,700
TE67 Bond 4.00% 220929 QA000S6DEHO7 31/10/2024 30/10/2025 141,000,000 14,100



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