Edaa has registered the 3 T-Bills issued by Qatar Central Bank for the month of June of year 2023

Edaa has registered the 3 T-Bills issued by Qatar Central Bank for the month of June of year 2023  in its systems as outlined below:-

SymbolNameISIN CodeIssuing DateMaturity DateNominal ValueNumber of T-Bills
TE07 Tbill 3m 31082023 QA000D69HPQ2 01/06/2023 31/08/2023 480,000,000 48,000
TE08 Tbill 6m 30112023 QA00058JAXT5 01/06/2023 30/11/2023 665,000,000 66,500
TE09 Tbill 9m 29022024 QA0004AY17O8 01/06/2023 29/02/2024 550,000,000 55,000



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